Sunday, July 1, 2007


It only happens once a year, so I like to setup the camera and try to make some unique images of 4th of July fireworks. This involves a couple of key elements:

1) Appropriate camera settings
2) Framing of the image
3) Timing
4) Luck

The camera settings I used are something like: 10-20 second exposure, low ISO, and high aperture. The long exposure captures very nice long lines, and multiple explosions. High ISO is usually not needed, since the light from the explosions is well bright enough. And the high aperture allows for the long exposures without making the lines overexposed and almost pure white.

Framing involves making a nice image of not just the explosions themsleves but possibly the surroundings as well.Timing is obvious: When to open the shutter to capture a nice set of explosions.

Luck is hoping that the set of explosions you capture will ultimately make a nice image. I usually make a lot of exposures during a fireworks show, and hope that something intersting results.

I think the following image is one of my successes. It was taken last night at the fireworks at Peddler's Village, Lahaska, Pa.


Anonymous said...

Nice firework shot Matt :)
I didn't realize PV had fireworks 6/30 or I would have gone just to watch.

Matt said...

I don't think it is very well known that Peddler's Village has them, but if you get there early there's lot of fun stuff for kids to do (not free though) like face painting and such. The only problem is the traffic getting out - get there a little early and park as close to the main road as possible

Anonymous said...

I like this a lot Matt. We're still lookign forward to fireworks here in Q-town, have to wait till Saturday.